Dawn Clocks Brand Partnerships

Emily Prior - Brand Ambassador - @emilyjprior_

Welcome to Dawn Clocks. We're excited to collaborate with influencers who share our passion for assisted technology that improves lives.

We value diverse perspectives and experiences ๐ŸŒŸ

If you're an Australian who loves to promote neurodiversity, we want to work with you! We are looking for Occupational Therapists as well as everyday people that would love to experience and experiment with our products and would love to share the benefits with their audience.

Why Partner with Dawn Clocks?


Innovative Products Our clocks are not just timekeepers; they enable independent living for people of all ages and abilities.

Engaging Content Opportunities With our unique and stylish clocks, you'll have endless content opportunities. From unboxing videos to home decor tips, our products can fit seamlessly into your content calendar.

Exclusive Access As a Dawn Clocks influencer, you'll get exclusive early access to our latest products, special promotions, and insider news. Be the first to share our innovative designs with your audience.

Attractive Compensation We offer competitive compensation packages, including commission-based earnings, free products, and special discount codes for your followers.

How It Works


  1. Apply Email us with your details, social media handles, and why you think you'd be a great fit for Dawn Clocks.

  2. Collaborate Once approved, we'll work together to create a partnership plan that aligns with your content style and audience. This can include product reviews, sponsored posts, giveaways, and more.

  3. Share Start sharing your authentic experiences with Dawn Clocks on your social media platforms. We'll provide you with all the necessary materials and support to make your content shine.

  4. Grow Track your performance with our detailed analytics. We'll work with you to optimise your content and maximise engagement and earnings.

What We Look For


  • Authenticity: We value influencers who are genuine and have an authentic connection with their audience.
  • Creativity: Unique and engaging content that showcases our products in new and exciting ways.
  • Engagement: High levels of engagement on social media platforms, indicating a strong and interactive community.
  • Aesthetic Alignment: A style and aesthetic that complements the Dawn Clocks brand.

Join Our Community


Become a part of the Dawn Clocks family and join us in our mission to enable independent living for all Australians. If youโ€™re passionate about making the lives of others better and eager to share innovative products with your followers, weโ€™d love to hear from you.

Apply Now


Ready to get started? Please email us at info@dawnclocks.com

Let's create something RemarkAble together!

The Dawn Clocks Team