As you know, there is ongoing and growing concern about the spread of COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus. This is impacting on us here at Dawn Clocks, an online order and shipping company, as we have very specific vulnerabilities.
These include:
- We supply clocks to many people with supressed or vulnerable immune systems.
- If “Authority to Leave” is not being granted for delivery, this may mean potentially vulnerable customers will have to venture to a collection point which puts them at more risk of infection from COVID-19.
- We have no control over the safety of handling of the packages with regards to external freight and courier companies that are used to transport our clocks from manufacturer to us and from us to our customers.
- Due to current global freight challenges our clock deliveries may be delayed at the last minute for an unknown time, which is out of our control.
While none of this means we need to panic, it does mean we need to respond responsibly in line with government and medical advice and begin planning for how we can best minimise risks.
What is Dawn Clocks doing to create a safe environment for shipping and handling of our clocks?
- We have enforced that Staff are to wear gloves and masks whilst handling and packaging our clocks for dispatch
- We are have educated our Staff on the importance of good hygiene and will increase our supervision in this regard.
- We have cancelled all face to face meetings and video/teleconferencing will be utilised instead.
- Our staff will also not attend non-essential meetings or training at external sites.
- Staff or clients who have returned from any overseas travel will be excluded from the business for 14 days, and will require medical clearance before returning.
- Staff displaying any symptoms of Coronavirus, will be isolated until they can be sent home and will require medical clearance before returning to work.
- We are keeping up to date with the latest information from the World Health Organisation regarding COVID-19 viability on surfaces and also safety of packages being delivered to individuals
- We are keeping up to date with our freight company (DHL) and their policies to minimise risks with handling of packages by Staff.
- We are happy to delay dispatch of clock/s to any customer who is concerned and would like to wait out the WHO recommended timeline of a ‘few days’ for COVID-19 being present on surfaces.
- We are asking all customers, where possible, to allow “Authority to Leave” the package containing our clock/s to try to avoid them having to travel unnecessarily and increase their exposure to other members of the public at collection facilities.
- We will continue to communicate openly and honestly with our customers on our website and via email (for orders already placed) to inform of any shipping delays. We will keep this information as relevant and up to date as possible.
- We have attached some links at the bottom of this document for your information on our commonly used freight and courier companies and their COVID-19 policies for risk reduction and the WHO guidelines and advice for COVID-19.
If you are concerned that you or your loved one may be infected:
- The national 24/7 hotline triages people with respiratory symptoms and those who are concerned about contact with a possible Coronavirus case. If you think you may be infected you can call the triage hotline on 1800 020 080.
- Suspected Coronavirus patients can present in person to a GP clinic, a dedicated respiratory clinic or to a hospital ED if they call ahead.
Telehealth Services Available
Telehealth services will be available for people who:
- are self-isolating according to medical advice
- have chronic health conditions or who are immunocompromised
- are parents with new babies
- are pregnant.
- over 70 or are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and over 50
- People in isolation or quarantine for Coronavirus can see any eligible health provider through new telehealth items.
- Patients in vulnerable groups can also see a health provider via telehealth for a non-Coronavirus matter if they have seen that provider face-to-face at least once in the previous 12 months.
What are the next steps?
We are keeping in touch regularly at Dawn Clocks to discuss the current health advice and the impact on our service.
- As always, you should feel free to email or call us if you have any concerns in relation to our clock delivery.
- We will be continuing to monitor the information provided by the government to ensure the best response is in place to keep our packages safe.
Australia Post Delivery Updates
Please see the following link for updates about shipping times: